Viki Wotherspoon

As of recently I am also on:
where I offer many of these pieces for purchase.

I came to art unexpectedly, in the midst of a search for something fulfilling, relaxing and where I can "go with the flow". Until a few years ago, I had never held a paintbrush in my hand for about 30 years! And what started as a method of stress-relief has gradually developed into the most wonderful, and indeed, fulfilling hobby. What I love about "art" is that it speaks to everyone in different ways: the paintings or sculptures which catch my eye are not necessarily your taste, and vice-versa. However it is exactly this aspect of creating art which is so appealing - the individual perception. When I'm painting I forget the norms and constraints, go beyond boundaries of perfection, never pre-plan the abstract works, and just "go with the flow" - I enjoy whatever emerges!

As you might have noticed, I've widened my style recently and started experimenting with sketching / sometimes painting people and animals, mainly in pastels, but also in acrylics, oil pastels or watercolour. Without an individual's approval, however, I don't upload any of the people portraits I do. My different works should speak for themselves. All feedback is sincerely appreciated!

Please feel free to get in touch if you are interested in purchasing any of the works shown.
A few of them I have reworked / repainted since uploading however most are still available. To see the sizes (these vary considerably from small A5 on special pastel paper, to much larger 58 x 75 cm canvases) of the paintings or drawings, just click on the painting in question.

I am also happy to create something especially for you personally: an animal or personal portrait, based on a high quality photo, or maybe an abstract painting in colours of your own choice.

Thank you for watching, and maybe for commissioning a painting or for choosing one of my exhibited pieces for your personal viewing at home!

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